About the Digital Service Provider Directory (DSPD) Platform
On this platform, you will be able to identify organisations offering services such as medical care, shelter, legal aid and others closest to your location. Services will support you regardless of whether you are a foreigner or a national. Services are provided while maintaining privacy and confidentiality with language and cultural sensitivity. Please do not hesitate to approach and contact the service providers directly.
The Digital Service Providers Directory is supported by the Better Migration Management (BMM) Programme. The BMM Programme is funded by the European Union (EU) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It aims to strengthen a coordinated regional management of safe and regular migration, to address the trafficking and smuggling of migrants within and from the Horn of Africa and to protect vulnerable people on the move.
The BMM Programme has vetted and mapped service providers across Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, the region of Somaliland, Sudan, and Uganda in order to improve the information about and access to facilities and services that provide assistance to people on the move and victims of trafficking.
This resulted in a service directory that is both available in printed form and online on this platform, where the selected service providers are listed. Thus, it helps people in need to find appropriate services according to that meet their needs and are the closest to their location.
Furthermore, it enables actors within the referral systems to better coordinate and refer victims of trafficking and vulnerable migrants to exactly those organisations and institutions who can provide the best possible assistance.
BMM is implemented by 5 international organisations: British Council, CIVIPOL, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, International Organization for Migration (IOM) and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). GIZ heads the implementing partnership and is responsible for the implementation of the DSDP.
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